Children's Ministries
Children are God's gifts to us. We value all of the children in our program and seek to provide them with a fun, spiritual, safe environment in which we can build relationships and knowledge together.

Children's Church
Open to children of all ages. Meets during morning worship following the Pastor's Children's moments in the Gym. During this the kids are engaged in stories, crafts, snacks, and more that are relevant to the lectionary being taught that Sunday to the adults in the Sanctuary. Our prayer is that this not only teaches the kids the lesson, but inspires conversations at home for family spiritual growth!
Nursery Care
Nursery Care is avaiable during all scheduled worship services for the smallest of those attending. Our nursery is run by trained staff that are Safe Sanctuary Certified and have passed background checks for your children's saftey. Nursery Care is also avaiable for midweek programs by request.